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Linden Homes are open for viewing on Nascera



Thank you all for the great comments and feedback on my previous blog post regarding Linden Homes.* We're now close to being able to allow some existing Premium members to enter the Beta period so if you are a current Premium subscriber and have 512m of tier currently unused, do watch your inbox!* For those lucky enough to be offered a chance to sign up for a Linden Home, please note that we will be capping the number of people we let in.* If things go well, and feedback is good, we may then look at expanding the number of Beta folks we allow in.

In the meantime, we would like to announce that from today the Linden Home area, a new continent called Nascera, will be open to all residents so that you can take a look.* Please bear in mind that it is a Beta, and therefore some things will change and improve as we move forward.* We'll be blogging soon about the actual build process we have used and what we have learned from that - it's been quite a ride so far!**

A feedback thread is available for this post.* We'd love to get your first impressions of the houses themselves, and of the experience we're offering.* Though we may not reply to each post, your feedback is very important so please do take the time to let us know what you think.

Here are a few regions you can try teleporting to..

  • Elderglen (the main fantasy themed infohub)
  • Fern (to see the fantasy themed houses)
  • Batry Park (to see meadowbrook, the california modern area)
  • Buckeye (to see tahoe, the A frame log cabin theme)
  • Kagero (to see the Japanese themed regions)



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