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Susanne Menges

Freund/in des Forums
Kenne mich zwar mit der Erstellung von MipMaps aus, jedoch nicht mit dem Bildformat JPEG2000.. oder wie /was LINDEN macht.

Auszug aus..
(Danke Milz)

Discard Level and Mip Mapping .......the following textures are also generated and loaded

Bedeutet: Die MipMaps werden vom System erstellt.. ich muss es nicht machen. oder ?
Kann mir bitte jemand meine Zweifel ausräumen.

hilft dir das?

Multiple resolution representation: JPEG2000 decomposes the image into a multiple resolution representation in the course of its compression process. This representation can be put to use for other image presentation purposes beyond compression as such.
Progressive transmission by pixel and resolution accuracy, commonly referred to as progressive decoding and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scalability: JPEG2000 provides efficient codestream organizations which are progressive by pixel accuracy and by image resolution (or by image size). This way, after a smaller part of the whole file has been received, the viewer can see a lower quality version of the final picture. The quality then improves progressively through downloading more data bits from the source.

ich denk nicht, dass du dich drum kümmern musst.

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